A Guide to Atomizing Content

Extend The Value of Your Existing Content for ABM

As organizations shift focus towards targeting specific industries and companies, content marketing teams face the challenge of having to produce a large volume of personalized content with limited resources. To meet the task, your team needs to find ways to break down content into atomic units that can be efficiently repurposed for the specific audiences you are targeting.

The process of atomizing content for account-based marketing may seem daunting. However, the initial effort to get momentum going pays off in speed, agility, and ease of execution. Building a methodology and training your team to atomize and re-use content now is an investment in the future.

This guide will help your organization :

  • Identify your existing transferable and customizable marketing content
  • Customize your atomic content to successfully target a variety of customer types
  • Avoid the common pitfalls associated with content atomization

Download the guide today to learn how your organization can create atomized content that generates results.

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